Thursday, October 11, 2007

Things at work have been pretty exhausting. J and I agreed that this has been the most intoxicating week from the previous months that passed. Thank God, the interview for the Indemnity ramp was over. I really don't have any notion where would I be if the people that I interrogated didn't show up for their J.Os. Gosh, I really need a vacation. Somewhere rainy and cold. All alone while reading a scary book somewhere far away from civilization, curled under a bloody red sheet of the most perfect king size bed made of mahogany, surrounded by the pitch black of nothingness with only the yellow inviting light emanating from my lampshade as the rain starts to pour just outside my half closed window.. with a beautiful vampire silently watching me from afar.. lurking in the shadow.. waiting.. his incandescent eyes patiently surveying my wholeness.. waiting for the perfect time to hold me in his cold arms.. to feel my warm cheeks against his broad muscular shoulder.. as he gently whispers in my ears.. "This is what you've been longing. There is no heaven or hell. Just you and me. Be still, my love.. this is damnation. This is my world." JUST PERFECT.

But I'm not going to be a vampire anytime soon.. so this means I'm going to hit the sack before 10am for I have a long and tiring day ahead of me. Gosh, my life sucks. Another day wasted..

But then again...

Immortality awaits...

Just around the corner. ☺

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