Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine Drama

There was a LOVE BOARD in the office today where you can write something to your crushes and be signed anonymously. Some of the writings read really funny.. I never thought that people on my same age range can still be pretty childish and mushy when the occasion calls for it. I must say, CREATIVELY MUSHY. Everywhere you go you'll feel the spirit of redness in the air. I enjoyed reading the corny lines with my friends.. it sends us rocketing everywhere as we giggle and laugh at the hilarious quotes propaganda that you can only see during Valentine's Day. I was tempted to even write a real mawkishly sentimental message to my crush and end it with a smooch. But I was afraid that it can ruin my reputation as the Ice Queen so I dismissed the idea.

But honestly, why do we feel real pulpy during Valentine's? Its not like we are not allowed to be pretty melodramatic during regular days.. But i feel like doing it during Valentine's gives us extra credits for being a loving person.

Here's the irony of Valentine's, really. I don't celebrate it because I really don't know what love means. All I know is that it is a real powerful word full of subtleness and complications. To define it makes me feel like a total IDIOT. But I know, yeah.. we've been taught what it is since day one. Poets go ga-ga over it..

Its just me being weird, I guess. If you ask me why I am in a relationship for 8 years and still can't define LOVE.. my answer is simple and realistic. I WANT TO BE IN IT. Could love then be.. something that we want? How do we define then that something that we don't want but still end up getting it in the end.. like being with two people at the same time? Can LOVE affects the moral of doing what is right and wrong? In life, there's just thing that we do and we don't do. If we choose to do the things that we do.. can we really say that what we are doing it out of LOVE? How about letting go because of LOVE? How can we justify our sacrifices if we end up being hurt in the first place..Is getting hurt out of love and letting go in the name of it tell us that this is what we really want to do? If we sacrifice our happiness because it seemed the rightest thing to do for love and end up getting hurt in the end.. how can we say that we did it out of love when the very concept of hurting yourself defines you as someone who doesn't love thyself?

What is LOVE really?? Love actually..... is just EVERYWHERE.


TL said...

"But I was afraid that it can ruin my reputation as the Ice Queen so I dismissed the idea."

Have you seen good will hunting? You should.

Love is something that is not meant to be explained nor understand. It's meant to be felt. Visit my blog it's in my latest post :)

Dabo said...

"can ruin my reputation as the Ice Queen"

very nice.. it made me smile. by the way im blog hopping.

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your thoughts marked.. but the most operative and intriguing of all what is love?

after so much convincing ourselves that this is it---you are right and how funny that it can be found just anywhere yet end up losing it everytime..


because our self-proclaimed rationality/irrationality tried to quantify it.. so the relevant question now would be: how do you measure love