Thursday, August 2, 2007

*Fairy tales and Prince Charming*

Well, I'm sure that a typical innocent girl have dreams of a typical knight in shining armor. The one whose ethics are based on the foundation of chivalry and valor. That prince who will always be there to rescue in times of great danger... that one person who will risk his life to slay the dragon or take you away from a cruel step mum and ugly stepsisters who make your life miserable. Then for the sake of happily ever after.. he will let you ride in his white horse as the sun sets romantically in the vast horizon.. so that you can live with him in a beautiful castle where your love will blossom forever....CRAP.

At one point, girls grow up. They will learn that waiting for a prince charming to rescue her like a damsel in distress is really dumb.She will stumble down to a number of princes who are born to make her cry. Here it is in reality.. Snow White did wake up after choking from the evil apple.. she quit her job being the babysitter of the seven dwarfs and soon take her journey to work in a saloon. She worked her ass to afford insurance and realized that being a waitress is not enough to pay the rent and the bills. She worked hard in between two part time jobs to be able to pay for her tuition. She met boys and have sex with them. She buy her own birth control pills. She moves from one place to another as she meets different people. She dated a couple of junkies for fun.. she fell in love with a good guy and left him because he's just too good for her. She makes decisions on her own.. some good.. some bad.. some are just in between. She laughs. She cries. Her soul was shattered. Cracked. But soon she will be fixed again.

This is how it works really. Prince Charming is always a product of our hallucination.. or sometimes a fragment of our imagination. Sometimes they are just in time for our rescue.. sometimes they come way too late. They are creatures who at times, torn between confusion and hatred that needs to be rescued as well. We sometimes look for their horses when in times, they can't really afford one. I read a book once about a girl who was confronted by a prince. He asked her, "Would you like to ride my horse with me? I will bring you to my castle and we will live happily ever after." The girl smiled and replied, "Of course. But you can go ahead, if you want. I'm spending the whole afternoon looking for my own horse. If i find one and you can catch up with me, then I am most happy to see your castle." The prince nodded and whispered to himself, "She's a different one. I will certainly wait for her."

And so.. when the girl finally got a horse, the two rode together in the beautiful sunset and she tortures him.. happily ever after.

This is how a fairy tale should end. So the next time you ask me about Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.. get a hold of yourself. They are so overrated.

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